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Located on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Pointhouse Suites on Sargeant Bay is a spectacular estate location that blends West Coast contemporary architecture with surrounding nature. Continue reading to learn more about their sustainability journey:

Tell us a bit about your business. What makes you different?

Pointhouse Suites on Sargeant Bay stands out on the Sunshine Coast due to its combination of luxurious accommodation, unique waterfront location, attention to detail, exclusive amenities, commitment to sustainability, and customized experiences, providing guests with a memorable and distinctive stay.

Why is sustainability important to you/your business?

Sustainability is pivotal for Pointhouse Suites as it reflects our commitment to sustainable development. By embracing eco-friendly practices, we help to preserve the Sunshine Coast’s natural beauty, attract environmentally conscious travellers, and enhance our personal and brand reputation. Overall, sustainability aligns with our core values, reduces operational expenses, and ensures a positive guest experience, making it an essential focus for our business.


Why did you join GreenStep Sustainable Tourism?

We have always been involved in green initiatives in the communities we have called home. Moving to the Sunshine Coast and starting a new business, we wanted to do as many things right as possible. Initially certified in 2015 with a silver rating by Green Step Solutions, we progressed to Gold status in April 2017. Joining Sustainable Tourism provided us with access to resources, best practices, and networking opportunities, further supporting Pointhouse Suites’ efforts to integrate sustainable practices into its operations and guest experiences. Regular reviews every two years ensure continuous improvement, aligning with our Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge and ongoing action plan goals.

What sustainability related projects, policies or initiatives do you most want travelers to know about?

As a board member of Sunshine Coast Tourism, a committee member of our regional destination development council, and a board member of the Sargeant Bay Society, and member of other like-minded organizations, I’m deeply involved in driving sustainability initiatives. I’m particularly proud of projects promoting responsible tourism practices, conservation efforts, and environmental stewardship on the Sunshine Coast. Having the platform to share the stories that can make a difference benefits us, our guests, our partners and all stakeholders, visitors, and residents, ensuring a sustainable future for our beautiful region.

What are some goals and/or actions you plan to take in the future to further increase the sustainability of your business?

Increasing our resilience to climate change with more self-su

fficiency in food security, energy and water management. We’ll do this through more drought tolerant food producing gardens, better irrigation, installing more rain catchment containers, more remote automation of heat and light and continued water monitoring and conservation practices. We will also improve guest education to help us reduce the amount of waste that ends up in our “at capacity” landfill.

To learn more about GreenStep Sustainable Tourism visit:

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